How Doing The Inner Work Heals Our Family Forwards And Backwards

ancestral healing inner child healing Sep 17, 2022
Is it possible for our family members to change from us doing this inner work?
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I just finished a session with a dear and courageous client who shared with me the miraculous shifts that has happened this week from our second session.
In our first session we dissolved and digested some of her childhood which involved domestic violence.
We transformed a pattern which had begun in childhood of taking care of her Mother in order to keep her safe. This led to her taking care of others throughout her life and never focusing on her own needs or realising that she could live her life that way. She came to me exhausted, unhappy, and unfulfilled feeling stuck in being able to live her life on her terms.
This particular client is just so ready to heal and thus been able to alchemise her past quite easily and the result is not just her feeling more free, alive, happier and trusting, but the relationships around her are shifting, without her having to say a word.
In our second session, we unravelled stuck emotions from her childhood around feeling hate, anger and sadness because she wasn't allowed to play and wasn't given the love she needed. She often had to sit quietly and her life-force was incredible suppressed. There was an energy of contraction and tightness throughout her body that dissolved in the session.
After releasing those energies and emotions, what she noticed this week was...
1. She was able to flow and allow spontaneity, following her intuition rather than needing her mind to have everything pre-organised. This is because she is dissolving fear and learning to trust. Allowing her to live from her soul rather than her protection mechanisms (mind).
2. Her Mother has become more independent and stronger in herself - This is a result of her releasing the need to rescue her. Yes...our own wounds, attachments and energies do have an effect on other's behaviour. If we take responsibility for someone's life or wellbeing, we actually hold back their growth and weight our own self down limiting our own life-force and manifestations.
3. Her daughter is standing up for herself, voicing her feelings and having boundaries - This is a result of my client freeing herself from the past survival mechanisms and coming into a deeper trust. She is coming into her power as a result of the work we are doing together and this is being mirrored in her own daughter.
4. My client's partner who is usually a workaholic and expects the same of my client as they work in the same business together said she could take time off - He has never said this in 12 years of them working together. This is the result of my client releasing conditioning around taking care of everyone else and realising that she is now able to put her needs first. We are never a victim! Our external life is always mirroring back to us our inner reality.

The above situations for my client were absolutely huge. Because those things just never happened in the past. The way her partner, Mother and daughter showed up this week were out of character but this is what happens when we go within and digest our trauma, dissolve the conditioning and learn to hear our soul.
If you want to change the world, heal yourself.
If you want your children to heal, heal yourself.
If you want to take your clients deeper, heal yourself.
This work is nothing short of magical and you are a powerful creator being. You create your reality mostly from the unconscious past emotional energies suppressed within you. Your life mirrors back to you these emotions, beliefs and stories.
As you transmute the past, you free yourself, and are then able to create what your heart desires.
This work is about getting WHAT YOUR SOUL WANTS.
It's about fulfilment at the deepest level of your being, coming into your wholeness and becoming happy.
Do the work, and you'll achieve everything your SOUL desires.
If you are ready to heal and change your life, book a free consult with me. I would love to connect with you.

Much love, 
Tamika Rose

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