If We Don't Go Within, We Go Without

healing core wounds inner journey soul embodiment true self Aug 06, 2022
When we are wounded, we seek outside of ourselves to fill the void. This causes us to act and live our life inauthentically, from our wounding rather than our soul. This leads to feeling unfulfilled, lost and experiencing disharmony, pain and blocks.
When we seek outside of ourselves, we do and say things in an attempt to get something in return. That 'thing' might be love, attention, connection, approval, validation, safety, security or power.
This is unconscious and usually our entire personality, friendships and even career can be built upon trying to meet this deeper unconscious unmet need. It literally drives us. We can spend decades thinking we want a particular goal, only to find out that it wasn't really what we wanted and didn't change how we feel on the inside. 
However, no matter how hard we try, it can never be met externally.
Healing only ever occurs when we go inwards to meet with the part of us that didn't receive the need and to feel the pain of that.

Avoiding the pain is what has been driving our inauthentic life. Once we can sit with the pain, the healing can begin. Then we can begin to meet the need from within.
Healing occurs as we go within and reconnect with these aspects of Self.
Healing occurs as we allow ourselves to experience the emotions that are connected to this unmet need.
Healing occurs as we provide the love, safety, connection and nurturing for these parts of us, from within our own heart.
Healing is mostly an inside process. If we are too busy focusing externally, we will never meet these deeper parts of our self and thus, healing is prevented.
Healing requires us to slow down and create the space to explore our inner reality.
It also requires that we have the desire to do this.
As we do this, and begin meeting the need from within, we no longer need to get it from outside of us and our choices and actions become aligned to our soul's truth. This is when our life begins to work and we start feeling happier.
To heal simply means to make whole. It is the process of reconnecting with all aspects of our soul.

The journey then becomes learning HOW to go within as our entire world is setup for us to be externally distracted.
Therefore, it is up to us to find the right guide, and to create the time and space. And then, what we end up discovering, is not only the answer to every question we've ever had, but we discover...our Soul. We are led home. 

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