Healing Our Birth Trauma (Part 2) - A Client shares her Story of Finally Feeling Heard

birth trauma conscious parenting inner child healing trauma healing Dec 08, 2022

This is Part 2 of the Healing Our Birth Trauma video series. You can watch Part 1 of 'Healing Our Birth Trauma' here. 

In this video, you will hear directly from a client of mine Le, and the experience she had in our Somatic Healing session of clearing her birth trauma and the profound impact of that.  

For those of you that don’t know what somatic healing is, it is a way of accessing and dissolving buried and undigested emotional energy from the past that is stored in the body. This includes trauma. It is a fast, and yet gentle way of creating very deep healing and releasing the blocks from our body-mind-soul.

All memory is stored in the body and remembered through somatic physical sensations, feelings, and emotions. What is stored in our unconscious (which is the body), will create blocks in our life, mental/emotional challenges, relationship issues and limitations in our ability to be our true self and achieve our highest potential. So clearing this material is really crucial and the key to us freeing our soul, becoming our true self and being able to actually create the fulfilling and bright future that our heart desires. 

As we move through a somatic healing session, what was previously unconscious and buried, will surface for release. This allows a person to release the negative emotions that are attached to a past stressful or traumatic event, and come to a place of feeling neutral about it. In other words, It allows the complete healing of that past situation and leaves the person feeling lighter, happier, and able to create new healthy patterns that support their goals.

I never know where a session is going to take us, and neither does the client. What typically happens is that just prior to the session, might be a couple of days or just the day before, emotions, sensations or memories might start to arise in the client. That buried material begins to surface in preparation for the session. So The client might feel more emotional than usual, or feel stronger emotions than usual, or be more reactive or more sensitive than they usually are. Or they might have some physical pain arising or some kind of unusual physical sensations happening. And when we dive into the session, it all begins to make sense.

Le, describes what arose for her prior to our session were very strong feelings of not feeling heard. In our healing session, this wound went back to her birth. Le describes what she felt physically and emotionally during our sessions and what has unfolded for her since releasing this. 

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