A Client Story Around Breaking Free and Pursuing His Dream Career

betrayal client story feeling blocked or stuck freedom healing core wounds living your dream life self sabotage slavery programming soul journey Aug 21, 2022

If you feel stuck in being able to manifest your purpose or dream job, I’m going to share a real-life example of a client of mine and how they overcame such deep internal struggles to finally be able to walk their path and experience freedom. It is my intention to share this story to give you direct insight into the various layers of wounding that we had to work through in order for this client to move forward. I will share how each layer manifested and what it took to heal those layers and achieve freedom. I hope this blog post gives you insight into your own deeper layers and inspiration to move beyond the limitations into the embodiment of your soul's purpose.  

We will call this client of mine, Bob, in order to maintain his privacy. Bob had a history of continuous sabotage. Bob was constantly changing direction in his business and his debt increasing. In his business he would end up unintentionally sabotaging the job and this would lead to his clients feeling unhappy with the service and betrayed. He would over-promise and underdeliver and this pattern ruined many relationships. He left a trail of unhappy people behind him and wherever he went, he seemed to manifest betrayal. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it was the pattern. He would make just enough money to survive, but never to thrive. Even when he began charging more, his debt continued to pile up.   

Whenever I see a pattern like this playing out, it is my intention to get to the root cause. The pattern is only ever the symptom of something deeper. As I began working with Bob, we discovered that Bob was betraying his own soul. His various business ventures were created because he felt he ‘had’ to in order to make money and support his family, not because he wanted to. His intention was definitely in the right place. But with every choice he made, he was going against his soul and this resentment, fatigue, anxiety and stress built.

This internal conflict caused him to experience such high levels of anxiety that completing the job became more and more difficult. He would have to drink many cups of coffee in order to push himself to finish. His jobs were always late because of this huge level of internal resistance he had to doing them. One part wanted to do it for the money, but his soul wanted to be doing something else. He felt completely stuck and imprisoned and felt shacked in his soul. 

When I guided Bob within, he was able to feel in his body, the part of him that was betraying his own soul. This awareness allowed him to feel the grief that his soul felt and the connected feeling of slavery which stemmed back many previous lifetimes for him. We had to work for a time around the slavery programming and this meant clearing various previous lifetimes.

Work with me in a 3 month intensive to heal core wounds and free your soul to live your highest destiny. Learn more here.

As he processed the grief and dissolved some of the slavery, he became aware that his freedom was 100% in his hands. He allowed himself to create an exit plan in his current business and begun making choices towards his dream career path.

He started saying ‘No’ to jobs just for money, implemented boundaries to ensure that the jobs that he did take on were more on his terms, and began working in a way in which supported more of what he wanted. This wasn’t easy for him as he had lived with a belief that he had no power in his life and had to do what others wanted. So communicating his needs and boundaries brought up anxiety but also empowered him. 

It was definitely a turn in the right direction and his happiness and light began to increase. His mind moved from a place of total hopelessness to now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This hope was motivation for him to keep going, but there were still many wound layers to go that needed unravelling.

This new turn allowed the next layer to arise. We discovered a part of him that felt shame and guilt. There was a deep self-hate present due to his actions of hurting people in the past, and he didn’t feel worthy of receiving what he wanted. It was this unworthiness and shame that was keeping him in a cycle of suffering and struggle and not allowing him to receive what he wanted. It prevented him from making choices that would lead him towards his soul path and abundance because that was all he believed he was worth. The shame was also keeping him in hiding whereas his dream career required that he was completely self-expressed. 

There was a lot of self-forgiveness work that Bob had to do and really having self-compassion for his past actions. It was through this process Bob started to open his heart and reconnect with his soul. It was crucial for Bob to open his heart if he was going to learn how to honour the people in his life and also for him to receive what his soul desired.

All of this unravelling and self-discovery and healing took about six months and then Bob made a huge decision which took a complete leap of faith and decided to let go completely of his job and to begin doing what he always wanted to do. 

Bob is one of many clients I’ve worked with who were manifesting betrayal in their life all due to the fact that deep down they were betraying their own soul. The how and why is something that we unravel while working together but once you can heal this and reach a place of self-forgiveness and knowing your worth, you will naturally take the actions you need to align your life. This then sets you up to receive what it is your heart desires, rather than block it.

Download my FREE Inner Child Healing Meditation here.

Whatever your current life challenge or block, it will always be rooted in an unconscious wound, trauma or energetic pattern that can be transmuted and healed from going within and with the right support. Our life is only ever reflecting back to us our unhealed wounds and programming/beliefs. The more we heal these, the more it becomes possible for us to live from our soul and fulfil our purpose. This is where job and abundance is experienced. 

One of my favourite quotes is that “If we don’t go within, we go without.” So begin to get curious about the deeper feelings, emotions and beliefs that are creating your actions and reality and spend more time going within than trying to control your 3D situation. It will be much more fruitful if you heal the root cause. If you need further support on this journey, please feel free to book a free consult. 

Much love, 

Tamika Rose

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