Hi, I’m Tamika.

Somatic Trauma Therapist & Soul Embodiment Guide

I began my career as a Practitioner in 2007. During this time, I have inspired over 7,000 people in my 1 on 1 sessions, seminars, retreats, webinars and online courses.

I have spoken around Australia, taught international retreats and trained Practitioners in my own methods.

My somatic and embodiment approach supports people to heal trauma, core wounds and their Inner Child. This work allows us to heal our past, embody our soul and create the future our heart desires. 

Qualifications include:

  • Bachelor Music Theatre
  • Pilates Matwork and Reformer
  • Personal Training
  • Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Master Timeline therapy
  • Master Hypnotherapy
  • Master Life Coaching
  • Hypnobirthing
  • Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Certificate
  • Psych-K
  • Genome Healing
  • Medical Intuition
  • Art of Feminine Presence
  • Biology of Trauma Certification (in progress)
  • Trauma Sensitive Heartmath Certified Practitioner (in progress)
  • Embodied Processing Practitioner (in process)

Previous Businesses include:

⦿ Inner Harmony Health and Fitness 2007-2009: Holistic Pilates and Personal Training studio in Brisbane with Mindset & Nutritional Coaching

⦿ Empowered Birth Australia 2009-2011: Teaching HypnoBirthing to couples and supporting women to heal their birth trauma.

⦿ Holistic Wellness Coaching 2010-2015: My first wellness centre on the Gold Coast partnering with a Holistic Personal Training studio and supporting their clients in healing their mental and emotional blocks.

⦿ Think Your Body Slim 2010-2012: Workshops and coaching to women who wanted to heal the psychological and emotional root cause of their weight, food or body image issues. Here i launched my writing and speaking career.

⦿ Life Mastery Seminars and Self Mastery Coaching Program 2013-2015: Empowering people in how to create the life they desired by clearing the deeper blocks and raising their vibration.

⦿ Path of the Goddess 2016-2019: Sacred feminine empowerment pathway for women of deep emotional healing and soul embodiment.

⦿ Tamika Rose 2020-present: Supporting women and men on the sacred journey home.


Apart from being a devoted Mother, and loving all things figure skating, music and dance, I am a deeply feeling (Scorpio Moon), spiritual, determined, truth-seeking, down-to-earth and intuitive being.

My purpose in this life is to embody the highest expression of my Soul and to be a vessel for Grace in my work.

Nothing lights me up more than the magic of my own ever-deepening journey of expansion and supporting others to do the same. From a young age, I knew I was here to help humanity but it has been my own healing journey that would become the key to that.

My life has been a quest of very deep emotional healing and the resulting reclamation and embodiment of my soul into wholeness, empowerment and health.

Learning how to face and alchemise my pain, suffering and shadow led me home from the depths of darkness into the light of the sacred. 


The first part of my life was filled with enormous emotional pain that I didn’t know how to deal with.

My experiences with addiction and bulimia were unconscious attempts to numb and suppress my feelings. I was caught in my own personal hell and kept a huge wall up so that nobody ever got close enough to know how I was really feeling. On the outside, I presented as happy, confident and strong. But on the inside, I felt different, separate, alone and lost. I felt a deep void within. For the most part of my teenage years and early adult life, I didn’t want to be here. 

In 2004, my diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Disease and hitting rock bottom physically and emotionally was my catalyst that ignited in me a burning desire to become my potential. 

In 2005, I had my first experience of Vipassana meditation in a ten-day silent retreat and experienced my first Oneness experience. This gave me direct understanding of the interconnectedness of everything and everyone. As someone who grew up wanting to help humanity, I realised that the most powerful service we can offer, is to heal and awaken our own self; to be the embodiment of love and peace.  This feeling of Oneness was fleeting, but inspired me to want to feel this permanently.

Over the next decade, fuelled by my desire to heal myself, I studied non-stop. I became qualified in many modalities and went on to build many successful Coaching businesses helping others, including running a Practitioner Training in my own method.

At the peak of my professional and financial success, making half a million dollars in 18 months from my Life Mastery Seminars and speaking around Australia selling into my coaching program, I burnt out. I was successful but unfulfilled. I was attracting painful relationships and my health was worse than ever. I realised that despite everything I knew, I had not healed the root cause in myself, and I knew it was time to go within. 


Being forced to stop through burn out created the time and space for what I had repressed to begin to surface.

I met my inner child and the tsunami of emotion I had buried under my well-formed mask of being strong and confident and behind my pattern of being the one to always help others. 

I was finally facing the Truth and began to see how the men I were attracting were simply reflecting how I felt about myself, why I was unfulfilled and why I had not healed my body. 

I saw how the personal development industry had formed in me a strong and empowered mind, yet did not touch my shielded heart and the unconscious trauma I had buried in my body. My goal-orientated-success-driven self had me living in my masculine, to my detriment, and as a result, I was ready to heal my heart and awaken my feminine. 

I delved into Inner Child work, Sacred Feminine Arts, Tantra and became qualified in the Art of Feminine Presence. Awakening my feminine felt so good and completely spoke to my soul. I started to feel whole for the first time.

This led to the birth of my next business, Path of the Goddess. I began supporting women in the deeper healing and feminine awakening that I had just experienced. I created the most sacred spaces where they could purge their unhealed emotions and sink their exhausted selves back into the love and safety of their own feminine soul.

This work was by far the deepest work I had shared and was once again extremely successful.

After thousands of years of Patriarchal feminine suppression, and 1 in 3 women having been abused, this work was a welcomed relief for women. It offered a safe space and the right support for them to heal their trauma and rise into their feminine power.  My ladies felt like this work was the missing piece, and they would often tell me that they felt the work had brought them back home to themselves. 

Despite being back teaching around Australia, training up apprentice Coaches and for the first time, running international retreats, this time it was in a feminine way. I was supported by a team, and burn out was not a possibility anymore. This work was coming from my heart and I experienced such flow, magic and abundance from sharing it. My soul felt extremely lit up sharing this work, completely in service to and guided by the Divine Mother. Yet despite all of this, something deep down told me I wasn't yet fully in alignment myself. My soul was still yearning for something, but I didn't know what. Little did I know, but I had only scratched the surface of the depth that was possible within my own Self. What was to come would lead me out of my mind and home to my soul.

Sharing this work unlocked something sacred within my soul, and I yearned to be a vessel for the Divine. 

I believe it was this genuine soul yearning to go deeper and to fully awaken that drew into my life my next Mentors. My life was about to drastically change in a way that I was not prepared for yet was exactly what I had been searching for my entire life. 

I began a womb-awakening pathway of feminine embodiment based in a Christ Consciousness lineage. I had never before met such deeply present and soul-embodied beings. A part of me initially felt uncomfortable in their presence, because I could no longer hide, and yet my soul felt right at home. 

This journey took me around the world to the South of France, Egypt, Turkey and Greece, exploring sacred sites, ancient mysteries and awakening in my soul long-lost memories of a Priestess path that felt like home; the path of the Rose. 

For two years, I worked very closely with my Mentors. During this time, they not only guided me deep into my soul, but they supported me and my partner at the time, through my pregnancy and home water birth. We learnt how to communicate to our son's soul, which allowed us to support him in the way he needed. It was the conscious pregnancy and birth I had dreamed of.

The New Children of the Light are high vibration Master souls. In order to make the journey onto Earth easier for them, it helps if the parents are of a higher vibration and are able to see and support the incoming soul. 

From the beginning, my son made it very clear what he needed. He has a big purpose on Earth, and he wanted support in keeping his level of consciousness, light and soul,  as embodied as possible. 

His Father and I had to radically transform, uplevel and re-organise our priorities in order to ensure we were meeting his needs and giving him the presence he required throughout the pregnancy. My focus shifted away from my work to a more internal space and I began to slow down and become much more present.

Many think that parenting begins at birth, however when we are totally conscious from within our soul during pregnancy, parenting begins the moment you connect to the incoming soul and this usually happens before conception. The relationship begins there.

Approaching pregnancy and birth in this conscious and multidimensional way not only supports the incoming soul in the utmost way, but is a complete activation and awakening into the feminine mysteries. 

My pregnancy and birth was a profound initiation into my feminine soul.

It cracked open my heart and soul in a way that no other course or Teacher could have done. Because of this, Motherhood has been the greatest gift of my life.

I whole-heartedly believe our children come through to expand us, not the other way around. All we need to do is learn to be present, listen and allow. When we can get out of the way, release control and listen, they have so much to teach us. 

During this time, I was taught how to go within, how to access the causal layer and heal the deepest of wounds.

I then continued the journey on my own. The deeper I went in, the more pain I discovered. I uncovered pain from this life, many previous lives, and discovered I was carrying in my womb, a lot of trauma from the sexual and physical abuse in my female ancestral line.  

I learnt how to alchemise the pain into light and back to love, dissolving the density from my cells and soul. My hardened and frozen places softened, and I gradually dissolved my control, defence and protection mechanisms, walls and barriers, and opened my heart. This de-armouring was a gradual process that unfolded in stages and over time and was very much supported by the initiation of Motherhood.

The more I transmuted the emotional energy from within my body the more my symptoms healed.

  • I let go of any labels of 'disease' and could see that my body was simply expressing the energy that I had repressed. Every symptom represented a part of me blocking love and was showing me how I felt deep down. 
  • My fatigue represented my powerlessness and my feeling of not wanting to be here; a shutting down to life.
  • The pain in my kidneys and resulting bladder issues was fear from feeling unsafe (ancestral and past life). 
  • The heaviness in my body was the result of living out of alignment to divine will. 
  • The pain I felt in my lungs and heart, grief. 
  • The abnormal cells on my cervix was ancestral sexual trauma. 
  • My ovarian cyst was the blockage to my femininity; living from my excessive masculine as a protection mechanism. 
  • My backpain was there until i learnt to support myself emotionally. 
  • My digestion was my anxiety and inability to process life.
  • My tight right shoulder was the burden of feeling responsible for others. 
  • My voice/thyroid challenges, past life and ancestral oppression/abuse/disempowerment.

This process was very much a death process.

As the layers dissolved, who I 'thought' I was, also dissolved. It was a very uncomfortable period of my life, as my safety had previously come from me controlling life. Now, I was being asked to let that go, and totally surrender into the abyss of the unknown in order to come into a deeper level of trust of self and life.

As I dissolved the protection mechanisms, I had no idea who I was or what I wanted, and a feeling of uncertainty emerged in relation to my work and business Path of the Goddess. 

This period of my life was very insular. I pulled right back from socialising and social media and went deep into my cocoon with my soul and my baby. So much was unravelling and dissolving and any part of my life that had been birthed from these false or more outer aspects of self, also had to dissolve. Therefore, the time came when I felt to dissolve Path of the Goddess. This was one of the hardest decisions of my life. It was a decision that I didn't quite understand at the time, yet knew in my soul had to be done. I had to let it all go in order to come fully into my soul. 

After a few years working diligently, and working multidimensionally, I healed a Mother wound, childhood, birth, prenatal, ancestral and a lot of past life wounding.

I integrated my shadow and due to the depths that I ventured into in my scorpio moon way, transmuted many wounds on behalf of the collective as part of my service this lifetime.

Gradually, layer after layer, fragment after fragment, my soul landed in my body. This was pivotal in terms of how I felt.

I felt completely connected to my soul. I felt whole and I felt free to be me. In this embodiment, I also felt completely present, completely here, and simultaneously felt grounded in this world but not of it. It was at this point I could feel the New Earth frequencies and felt how beautiful the future felt.

This was my first sense of coming home. I knew at this point I had to teach this journey, as most courses I had experienced only went surface deep. 

Not only did my body transform, but every single aspect of my life.

As I opened, I opened to life and relationship. My relationships completely transformed. I felt comfortable in my own skin, and started to feel a joy and excitement for life. I was able to view my past through the lens of my soul, seeing the higher purpose to each event and how they served my awakening. A deep peace and gratitude for the beauty and magic of the human experience began to fill my heart. 

The journey within not only led me home to my soul but led me home to love. The love I previously sought, I found within. The ever-present sense of separation I used to feel was replaced with a feeling of connection, and it was here I began to feel the Divine so strongly and so clearly supporting, loving and guiding me in my life. My relationship with Source became very real and ever-present. The fleeting feeling of Oneness that I had experienced 15 years ago, was now a daily reality. I felt I had finally come home and I realised it was what my soul had longed for my entire life. A return to Love; to Source.

My intuitive abilities began increasing and it felt like the end of my healing journey and the start of something quite expansive and joyful. It was a complete rebirth. 

I found fulfilment in my simplified life as a Mother, serving a handful of committed clients, both male and female, and living out my passion as a figure skater. Life flowed with ease and grace and the time came when as Divine Will would have it, it was time for me to serve once again. The Universe had been sending me male clients, and I saw how this feminine Somatic approach of feeling and healing opened their hearts and brought so much needed healing to their souls. So I rebranded into Tamika Rose, keeping the feminine foundations but leaving my work open for men and women.

As I rebirthed myself and my work into the world, I could feel for the first time that everything was in alignment.

The feedback I began receiving from clients was that my work took them deeper than anything else previously had, despite sometimes decades of previous personal and spiritual work. I knew this was a mirror of the depths I had gone to within myself, as we can only take our clients to the depths we have journeyed ourselves. 

The pearls of wisdom I have received after my 20 year healing journey taught me that not only is love who we are, it is the very fabric of existence. 

Our wounds create illusions which keep us separate from this love; and thus trapped in our own suffering and seeking outside of ourselves to fill the void. These wounds are the cause of the very experiences, manifestations and dynamics in our life that we don’t want. From financial, to health, to relationships. As we heal these wounds, we are able to access our true self, transform our 3D life, and live our highest expression, timeline and purpose. It is at this point, that our very being becomes a force of healing in the world. This journey of self-healing and soul embodiment is the ultimate service, in my opinion. 

As Rumi so eloquently said,

“Your task is not to seek for love, but to seek and find all the barriers you have built within yourself against it.” 

 He also said,

“The wound is the place where the light enters you”. 

Those quotes sum up my personal journey, and the work I have to share with those who are committed and ready for this ever-deepening unfurling sacred inner journey home. 

It is truly wonderful to have you here. May my journey be an inspiration into the possibilities and magic that is available when you find the courage to face your wounds and heal yourself. Truly, everything you seek is within and we go without until we go within. There is a life filled with such awe, magic, beauty, abundance and grace awaiting you. All you need to do is say, yes. 


Love Tamika 


Connecting The Heart Immersion

A 3 or 6 month Immersion into the somatic depths of your own self. Heal core wounds, dissolve the protective armouring and open your heart into your true authentic self. Includes a daily practice, 12-module course and 12 somatic healing sessions. You will be supported in and learn how to heal at the deepest of levels, come into wholeness and embody your Soul. 


1:1 Somatic Healing Sessions

These online 1:1 trauma-informed somatic healing sessions support you to heal the root cause of your present mental/emotional, relationship, sexual, career/purpose, or financial issue. Sessions include trauma, core wound and inner child healing, nervous system regulation and support you in connecting with your soul and aligning your life to your soul's higher destiny. 


Sacred Embodiment Membership

Experience 14 days FREE of my Membership which includes a monthly online healing circle, inspirational Masterclass and private community. 

Be gently guided in a safe & loving container to go within and connect, ground, feel, heal, embody, awaken and remember more of who you are.