


1:1 Somatic



Within my 1:1 Sessions, I will support you to explore and heal the deeper root cause of your current mental/emotional, relationship, health or life/career issue using a method of trauma-informed somatic based healing, founded from 17 years experience.

Many of our current issues are symptoms of a deeper wound. When we heal at the causal level, all symptoms above this level naturally dissolve and we transform our inner and outer reality.

This process is transformational, creating change on many levels including psychological, emotional, physiological and energetic. As we heal and unravel the traumas from the soul-body-mind, our entire lives begin to reflect this deeper embodiment of our true self.


Somatic Healing Sessions

Receive 1:1 support over zoom for 60 minutes to heal the cause of your current challenge. Heal core wounds, traumas, your inner child and remove the blocks to moving forward and creating what your heart desires.

Casual sessions or 6 and 12-session packages available. 



Book a Free Initial Consult

Meet Tamika on zoom in a 30-minute consult to have your questions answered. This session includes you filling out a pre-session form so that she learns about your history, present challenges and what it is you desire to achieve. From there, she will come up with a strategy of how you can achieve what it is you desire and in a way which works for your budget and personal situation. Available to new clients only.



  • Inner Child Healing
  • Core Wound Healing
  • Relationship Challenges (any and all relationships)
  • Emotional Healing; Trauma Healing
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Healing Birth Trauma
  • Emotional Eating, Eating Issues, Eating Disorders
  • Addictions
  • Healing Sexual, Physical Abuse or Emotional Abuse
  • Self-Love, Self-Worth, Confidence
  • Life Purpose
  • Clearing Deeper Blocks to Any Area of Life or Goal
  • Healing the Underlying Cause of Physical Pain or Dis-ease
  • Moving Through Grief and Loss
  • Ancestral Healing
  • Past Life Healing
  • Business Blocks


Our wounds are deeply interwoven between our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, behaviours, biology and choices. They also are the dominant energy dictating what we experience and create in our life. Each wound has its own vibrational frequency. That frequency will be mirrored back to you in your life, manifesting what you don't want. As we explore your emotional depths and heal the causal layer, you will dissolve the inner blocks and begin manifesting what your heart desires. This work applies to any area of your life. See the examples below:

Example 1 - Attracting Love

You may consciously want a relationship and yet attract unavailable partners. Once we begin to work together, we discover you have an abandonment wound and this part of your psyche does not trust in love as it believes that love is painful and that people will leave you. So as a protection mechanism, it pushes love away.

So here we have found the inner conflict manifesting as attracting unavailable partners. Attracting unavailable partners are actually safe to this deeper wound as it means you don’t have to risk opening up, letting someone in and being abandoned again.

Once we heal the abandonment wound and you are able to feel safe enough to trust once again, your frequency changes, and who you attract also changes. You begin to attract available partners.

Example 2 - Growing Your Business

You are desiring to grow your business and expand and this requires you to put yourself out there on social media, yet despite engaging a business Coach and applying all the known and proven strategies, it is not working.

As we work together, we find a part of you that is afraid to be seen and thus does not want expansion. This part of you feels safe being small and hidden away from the world as that is what kept you safe in your childhood with an alcoholic and at times physically abusive Father. You learnt that when he drank, you needed to stay quiet, hidden and out of his way in order to stay safe.

This pattern is now playing out in your business. Once we heal this Inner Child aspect, you feel safe to be seen and shine.

Example 3 - Eating Issues and Weight Loss

You desire to lose weight and get fit and yet you continue to overeat and eat sugary foods when you know you shouldn’t. You beat yourself up over this and feel shame, guilt and defeated.

We discover a Mother wound where you did not receive the love/nourishment you needed from her and are trying to unconsciously find this sweetness from food and sugar.

Once we heal the Mother wound and you learn to give that love to your Inner Child, the pull towards those foods dissolves and you find that you are now able to have the Tim Tams in the fridge without eating the entire packet.

Example 4 - Money & Abundance

You are a Trader on the stock market and despite a decade of knowledge about how to trade and perfecting your rules, you are stuck. We discover a fear of losing money and repeating that past mistake. And even deeper than that, we discover a part of your psyche in deep lack; a wound of separation. Feeling so unloved and so separate from Source.

This lack frequency is manifesting in you losing money in trading and losing money on your investments. The key is in healing this deep separation wound and finding that connection to source from within and Source is the frequency of true Abundance.

Example 5 - Being an Emotionally Available Partner 

You are having relationship difficulties. Your partner feels unsupported by you and is angry and hurt that you aren’t there for her when she needs you.

We discover that when you were 8, your Mother left you with your Father and he was very unwell and you had to take care of him. Your inner child was never loved and supported in the way he needed and had to be responsible before he was ready or capable of doing so. Because his Inner Child has not received the support he needed, he cannot give this in relationship. 

Once he heals his Inner Child and finds wholeness from within, then he is able to support and hold his partner emotionally.

As we embark on the journey to heal core wounds, it involves deep emotional healing, trauma healing, Inner Child Work, and nervous system regulation. It is a very deep inner process of creating safety within our system in order to dissolve the many layers of protection in order to open the heart and embody and express your true self. This work takes time but brings you into further wholeness, empowerment and the embodiment of your soul.  

Further more, this work greatly assists you in becoming a healing presence for others. The more you are able to hold space for your own Inner Child feelings and emotions, the more you’re able to do this for your children, family, clients and community. As you become attuned to your inner Self, you naturally begin to attune to other's on that deeper level. As you become more connected to yourself, you become more connected to others. Being a conscious parent is someone who is doing the work. In addition, children often express what we suppress. Therefore, the more you heal your Self, the more your children heal and release ancestral patterns.


We are beautiful divine beings in human form. Our soul a seed of God; a spark of pure love. The ultimate purpose of the inner work is to embody our soul and the love that we are.

Yet due to our ancestral traumas, childhood and conditioning, we often come out of our childhood with wounding, trauma and feeling less than. 

This means that we often are living and creating from wounding, rather than living and creating from our soul. It means negative patterns will be repeated until we do this work to heal the cause. Past wounding will manifest in all areas of your being and life including emotionally, mentally, physically, energetically and within your relationships, finances and career.

Until we heal and dissolve our past wounds, conditioning and trauma, those patterns will repeat into the future, truly limiting how much of our Soul potential and purpose we are able to access, embody and live. 

Our thoughts, emotional reactions, triggers, beliefs, level of self-worth, confident, level of wholeness and embodiment are all a reflection of our past. 

Our buried and often unconscious wounds limit how much love we are able to give and receive and how much joy and peace we feel and how much flow, grace and ease you experience on your soul path. Our wounds limit our life-force and often hider our connection to Source.

Therefore, the bulk of my work is about healing and transmuting the unresolved past energies and emotions that are held within the body so that your soul is able to embody in the now and express and live your highest potential.

The more we go within and heal from within, the more your outer reality begins to shift and transform. As above, so below, as within, so without!


Somatic Healing Sessions

Receive 1:1 support over zoom for 60 minutes to heal the cause of your current challenge. Heal core wounds, trauma, your inner child and remove the blocks to moving forward and creating what your heart desires. Regulate your nervous system and heal at the deepest level. Casual sessions or 6 and 12-session packages available. 



Book a Free Initial Consult

Meet Tamika on zoom in a 30-minute consult to have your questions answered. This session includes you filling out a pre-session form so that she learns about your history, present challenges and what it is you desire to achieve. From there, she will come up with a strategy of how you can achieve what it is you desire and in a way which works for your budget and personal situation. Available to new clients only.